Endometriosis is a condition that affects approximately 10% of the population. In women with this condition, tissue that is similar to the endometrium tissue of the uterus is found outside the uterus. This misplaced tissue causes severe pain and various other symptoms which can greatly lessen a womans  quality of life. Today we are delving into the basics of endometriosis, common symptoms,  diagnosis and what you can do if you find yourself diagnosed with this somewhat mysterious yet increasingly common condition.

What is Endometriosis?

Hormone expert Lara Briden classifies endometriosis as an estrogen dependant, inflammatory and immune mediated disease state. The symptoms that we commonly see with endometriosis presentation are largely estrogen dominant and inflammation mediated symptoms. This valuable information guides us towards the best treatment options for the condition, which we will discuss in the last section of this post.

The endometrial tissue that grows outside of the uterus is referred to as ‘endometrial lesions’, and they can grow anywhere in the body. Most commonly they grow in the pelvis area, around the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, but they have been found in lung tissue and other locations far away from the pelvis.

There is no known reason as to why these endometrial lesions occur, but what we do know is that the immune system plays an integral role in their growth and development.

Main symptoms of Endometriosis

  • Pain – severe pain is the main symptom. It is much more severe than ‘normal’ period pain, and can have a stabbing, searing, throbbing or burning quality.
  • Bloating and digestive issues
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Bleeding in between your periods, or spotting
  • Issues with fertility, and recurrent miscarriages
  • Diarrhea or constipation. It is common to get diarrhea with menses
  • Painful urination
  • Painful intercourse

Every person with endometriosis will not have with the same symptoms, as individual factors play a huge role in how a disease presents.

Diagnosis of Endo

Unfortunately, diagnosis of endometriosis is not simple. This means that you need to work with a professional who knows the diagnostic criteria and treatment options available to you. For efficient diagnosis a thorough case history is needed, and the condition cannot be diagnosed via ultrasound or CT, although these can give rise to ‘medical suspicion’ of the disease. The only way that endometriosis is currently diagnosed is via a surgery called laproscopy. This is keyhole surgery, where small incisions are made in the abdomen and a camera is inserted to give a visual inside the abdominal cavity. Sometimes the endometriosis tissue can be removed during this procedure as well. The recovery from laparoscopy is typically good, and patients generally return home on the same day as the surgery. 

Natural treatment options for endometriosis

It’s important to know that there is no known cure for endometriosis. However, the symptoms can be relieved by various natural and conventional treatments, which is what we will focus on today.

If you’re endometriosis is severe, surgery may be an option for you. It isn’t a cure for the disease, but it can remove some of the lesions and greatly improve your symptoms; Pain relief, improved fertility, and far less inflammation in the pelvic cavity are outcomes of laparoscopic surgery to remove the endometriosis tissue.

Let’s look at some of our naturopathic treatments for endometriosis.

Diet and lifestyle interventions

Our diet is a huge part of our hormonal health, and an anti-inflammatory way of eating is highly effective at reducing inflammatory cytokines.  Inflammatory cytokines are immune system chemicals that cause a lot of the inflammation experienced in endometriosis. Lara Briden suggests that diet is in fact the most important part of a natural treatment approach to endo. Her dietary approach recommends that women struggling with this disease avoid consuming cow’s dairy, all forms of gluten, and eggs.

Both dairy and gluten activate the immune system and cause high levels of inflammation. We also have studies showing great improvements in sufferers when they remove gluten and dairy, so it is a recommended pathway.

Foods to focus on in your diet are:

  • plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Lots of greens
  • wholegrains
  • nuts and seeds
  • avocados
  • turmeric and other spices
  • salmon, sardines and other sources of omega 3
  • olive oil

Herbal and Nutritional medicines

When it comes to supplements for endometriosis, we include things that are known to reduce inflammation and support the immune system.


This is the number one herbal recommendation, because of its well documented anti-inflammatory effects. It also reduces the size and immune activity of endometrial lesions. Speak to your Naturopath about the correct dosage for you, as it will differ depending on the severity of your condition.


Zinc has been shown to be deficient in women with endometriosis, and it is also a vital immune and hormone supporting nutrient. It can help reduce pain and is anti-inflammatory as well. It’s best to take zinc on a full stomach, otherwise you can experience nausea.


N acetyl cysteine (NAC) is an amino acid derivative. It is successful in treating abnormal cell growth in endometriosis, as well as providing anti-inflammatory effects and an increase in antioxidant status within the liver.


Berberine is another herbal treatment that has been shown to inhibit growth of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus. Like the above treatments, it is highly anti-inflammatory, and also has the added benefit of being antibacterial.

In conclusion, endometriosis is a complicated disease, with a true diagnosis only achieved via laproscopy keyhole surgery. There is currently no known cure, but the condition can be very well managed with both conventional and natural approaches. If you suffer from endometriosis, individualised support is the best option to address it’s complex nature and to ensure you receive the best treatments for your individual needs. If this is you, please head to my booking page and book an initial appointment today.